Seth is a mischievous 8 year-old growing up in the harsh realities of post-World War II rural Idaho. He lives at home with his strict mother and guilt-ridden father, helping at the family gas station and waiting for his brother, Cameron (Viggo Mortensen), to return from the Pacific. But his whole world changes the day he decides the widowed neighbor woman, Dolphin Blue (Lindsay Duncan), is a vampire. Inspired by his father's stories, Seth begins to believe that she is responsible for the terrible events happening around him. His obsession continues to grow when Cameron comes home ... and falls head over heels for his worst enemy.
Saturday, February 16, 2013
The Reflecting Skin
Seth is a mischievous 8 year-old growing up in the harsh realities of post-World War II rural Idaho. He lives at home with his strict mother and guilt-ridden father, helping at the family gas station and waiting for his brother, Cameron (Viggo Mortensen), to return from the Pacific. But his whole world changes the day he decides the widowed neighbor woman, Dolphin Blue (Lindsay Duncan), is a vampire. Inspired by his father's stories, Seth begins to believe that she is responsible for the terrible events happening around him. His obsession continues to grow when Cameron comes home ... and falls head over heels for his worst enemy.
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